It was all fun and games as the dynamic duo patrolled Gotham city in their quest to maintain order and a safe environment. If only the same could be said about our latest so called super heroes that have graced, or should I say, taken over the city of Cincinnati. The incorrigible tandem of Chad Ochocinco and Terrell Owens have teamed up to create what some may perceive as a nightmare for quarterback Carson Palmer. Here are the top five reasons that they risk turning him into the joker.
1. Last time I checked there is only one football on the field at all times during play. Both Ochocinco and Owens demand a fair number of looks and are never shy about pinning blame on the quarterback when they are not receiving their fair share. Prepare to be the villain, Carson.
2. Best Actor vs. Best Supporting Actor- Call me out of line, but when is the last time that either of these two former superstars ever accepted their role as a sidekick? And now that we have already put a label on which player will portray a certain character, the feelings of malcontent and inferiority are bound to run rampant. God bless the soul that is, in large part, responsible for the bulk of their success. Hope you look good in makeup, Carson.
3. A team leader and quarterback may just be responsible for clearing the air about how winning football games take priority over the quantity and quality of touchdown dances. And something tells me that neither Ochocinco nor Owens will be able to grasp this revolutionary, team concept. In any circumstance, Palmer could very well come off looking like a clown.
4. I think we all agree that the Bengals could use a dash of heroics and a noble presence to patrol the locker room. With the past history of arrests and the numerous presence of disciplinary issues on the squad, they would have to welcome a drastic return to order. But how can this be accomplished when the superheroes battle amongst themselves in a clash of the titans. With this type of anarchy, the dynamic duo might very well have to paste that ever present signature smile on Carson's face.
5. We would all love to see a joyous, satisfying, big picture ending to this saga. But the truth remains that all superheroes are strong and fearless. Not many have been featured out of the prime of their careers with fading skill and aging bodies. And the truth remains that both lack their original breakaway speed and breathtaking big play ability that was once the focal point of opposing defense game planning. Truth be told, when was the last time you heard Batman complaining about serious contact during the course of his assigned duties? Trick or Treat, Carson. You may be ringing the doorbell as the Dark Knight by Halloween.
All jokes aside, Palmer should be considered the superhero, for even attempting to lead this group of circus egomaniacs every Sunday. Ideally, he will spread the ball around to keep everyone at ease, and the Bengals will win enough football games to promote a sequel to this warped story. At it's worst, Carson will have to magically avoid the explosions, electrocutions, and titanic pitfalls that the Joker was so famous for evading. We just hope that this new transformation of character doesn't do to his career what it did to Heath Ledger
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ReplyDeleteThanks for the positive feedback. However, don't quit your day job in hopes of being an editor. and their reputation of being one of Time magazines 50 best websites, saw it fit to have it grace their front page. But I'm sure you and all of your anonymous knowledge and genius, know better. I'll try to work on my craft by placing dashes in between words like poorly and written. Once again, thanks for reading. See ya next time
ReplyDeleteFeel sorry for Carson, injuries after injuries and having to play with Chad and now the team decides to lump in another clown with him? He was great at USC and should get a better shot at a Super Bowl.
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ReplyDeleteI have always believed Palmer to be a class act even in times of adversity. This may be his best opportunity, with the total supporting cast, to make a deep playoff run. If only the dynamic loudmouths would just keep quiet and run their routes
ReplyDeleteIt's bad taste to include Heath Ledgers tragic death in any reference. You should be ashamed of yourself and your writing.
ReplyDeleteAlso - has any one of the points (which by the way there are 3 points that you exagerated into 5) even come to pass? At this point no one is arguing over the football, causing locker room trouble or in a retirement home - so maybe we should just let the season begin before you start the Carson pity party. Which by the way, you do know it was Carson who wanted T.O. as a part of his offense -right?
I apologize for your distaste of my Heath Ledger analogy. But any implosion by the two egomaniacs will surely kill his season. A simple study of history makes this point slightly more than an educated guess.
ReplyDeleteAnd why do I speak of potential trouble in the locker room before the season starts? Simply because predictions are best made before they occur. It's just not quite as interesting after the fact, as most fans will, at this point, be telling all of their friends that this type of bad behavior is exactly what they expected.
In conclusion, most quarterbacks do express significant interest in playing with TO. Everyone seems to believe that they can change him and that his attitude must be reformed by now. Ask McNabb, Garcia and Romo what all of that lobbying did for them.
Thanks for reading. As always, your comments are valued and appreciated.
When-please cite a reference-did Chad EVER blame his quarterback for lack of receptions? He definitely went through a period where he was dissatisfied with coaches play-calling, and with the management's commitment to winning. But your article loses credibility when you make the choice to paint your subjects with a disparaging brush, without regard to basis in fact.
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ReplyDeleteYeah, you're right. Chad never complained nor hung his team out to dry through comments in the media. Do you watch ESPN? Or are you running a Bengal's propaganda campaign through their PR department? Get serious, man.
ReplyDeleteI read several of these articles posted and find most somewhat amussing. However, this author lacks the ability to reach any of my emotions and shows his lack of knowledge in reguards to football. I must say your not really going out on a limb by saying there will be issues with T.O or in cinn for that matter; so dont fool yourself by saying your making this bold perdiction prior to it occurring. Cinn will prevail and contend for a superbowl and we as fans can enjoy this so called cirus and td celebrations, while experiencing the duo's personal feelings about their season on vh-1
ReplyDeleteperdiction?? cirus?? Amussing??? reguards??........... spell check? The duo of doom are past their prime and will implode by around week 8. Mark it down
ReplyDeleteIm in the 8th grade so I have plenty of time to work on my spelling and writing skills. You on the other hand Mr Author Of Doom are well past your prime also. Despite the spelling errors, everything I said is correct and in week 8 when the bengals are sitting on top of the division with the most exciting offense and a def to match you will prob take credit somehow. My future looks bright as a journalist if your considered somewhere at the top of the food chain. Best of luck to you in your quest at being a sports writer and if I may offer some advice; study the game in which your writing about, dont just watch the highlights on ESPN and claim to be an expert Kimbo Slice!
ReplyDeleteHAHAHA left to the locker room before the hail mary pass, where's the guy who said "when they're in first place come and talk" rofl
ReplyDeleteI hate to pick on an 8th grader but......... Have you done your homework in researching your prized Bengal stars. Since I'm concerned about your education I'll give you today's word in this blog's spelling class. SELFISH - Look it up and understand how it will destroy your Bengals